We would like to thank you for completing the Online Registration.
We would like to remind you of the School Fees which you can pay by cash or by cheque at the School or the Church
(cheques payable to St John the Baptist Greek School), or by transfer to the following bank account:
Account Name: St John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Trust
Account Number: 53838005
Sort Code: 20-01-58
Note: If you transfer the payment to the account above, please send us an email
at school@stjohngreekorthodoxchurch.com, to update the records of the student/students.
School Fees:
1 Child: £120.00 / School Year
2 Children: £150.00 / School Year (both together)
3 Children: £160.00 / School Year (all together)
For more than 3 children in a family, the fees remain £160.00 for all of them.
The fees are the same for adults classes as well.